No Stinkin' 'Title'.
Yeah, go ahead and have a little fun with this. Having been a big fan since the beginning..then my kids were too. Aardron and Avery used to sing the 'Lumberjack' song to my dad, he found it highly amusing, the song AND those boys singing it to him.

Which Monty Python & the Holy Grail Character are you REALLY?

You are King Arthur of the Britons! You let no-one stand in your way, you are brave and strong! Keep searching, you'll find the grail yet!
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Yuh-huh..................................I'll be getting back to my knitting now.
Happy Knitting to all and continue to make good time.

Which Monty Python & the Holy Grail Character are you REALLY?

You are King Arthur of the Britons! You let no-one stand in your way, you are brave and strong! Keep searching, you'll find the grail yet!
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Yuh-huh..................................I'll be getting back to my knitting now.
Happy Knitting to all and continue to make good time.
Who are the Britons? :)
You are Brave Sir Robin! You bravely run away away at the first sign of bu**er off! That's the result I got! lol
Hege, obviously the Britons are my 'people' :)
and you! Sir Robin, get back here! Get back here and stand some ground!
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