On this particular day in 1972.....
I was gifted with a bouncing baby boy.
Aardron arrived in the world. Happy Birthday, Aardron!!!!!
"Every household should have a railroad tool"
Straight from the birthday boy's mouth........I had a bit of a hard time getting ahold of Aardron (ARE-drun) this morning, no answer on the land-line, no answer on his cell, finally Deidre picked up on hers, they were OUT having breakfast! That's what prompted the above quote. Folks it started raining on friday, which turned to ice, and then changed to....what shall we call it...mix of ice and sleet...slice? hard pellets of slice...which then turned to hard pellets of a mix of snow and sleet=sneet, all in all several inches of white that's hard as concrete out there, oh it's kinda pretty, but terribly deceiving, no soft fluffy stuff here. But hey. It did actually really truly snow here this morning, not much, enough that it looked kind of sweet coming down..for just a little while....and the sun is trying to peek through the clouds, nice.
Happy Birthday Aardron! or Narn-narn which is what he called himself when he was just a wee lad, we still call him that.......heh.
I do have a few recent photos though, here he is all grown up, playing in the snow.....

Christmas morning..........

A bit fuzzy photo of Dad and Daughter..........

The family...............

The Warrior.......(with the blue metalic shades on)............

Yeah, I know, I don't have the scanner hooked up yet, I keep thinking if I wish hard enough I'll just wake up some morning with it hooked up and all the knowledge that I need to work it like a pro already installed in my brain, won't have to think twice about using it,etc.
I've got some great photos of family and friends just waiting in the sidelines. Oh, I hear you, I had all weekend of complete stay at home time and I didn't hook up the scanner to my pc.......I was busy.
I love Aardron. He's smart, has a great sense of humour, he's a pretty good dad (his kids love him) and I'm guessing that even though he drives Deidre nuts sometimes....(we all do that right? well, not drive Deidre nuts, but our own spouses/SOs/etc) she loves him enormously also, they've been together since '91, got married in '95 and just keep on carrying on.....
He has the mind of a scholar/philosopher, the soul of a bard, and the heart of a warrior.
He is my bouncing baby boy, always has been, always will be.
There are so many Aardron stories, the fun/funny ones, the sad and touching ones, you know. They're all jammin' around in my head right now....
While he was growing up....in middle school....I had a job where I had wednsday afternoons off, he'd come home from school and walk from the bus drop off home, taking a cut through a vacant lot and then into our backyard and come in through the back door. Every single wednesday....I'd be waiting for him, I'd see him through the kitchen window, walking toward the house, I'd wait on the other side of the door....when he opened it I'd scare the crap....er, I'd startle him plenty.....it was priceless....(I know, weird mom) but the thing was....he always spaced it out, that it was wednesday, scare day, crazy mom behind the backdoor day. We both laughed, yeah, I know, crazy mom.
When he and Deidre decided to get officially married, I was on a job out of town, they called to give me the good news and I was thrilled, Aardron then told me, what he really wanted was to get married in kilt....so I checked around, ordered it (Clan Gunn) and yes, it was made in Scotland, ok.......cool, the other cool thing about their wedding....I got to walk him down the aisle, and even cooler was that we were preceded by his two grandmothers and his aunt and sister...his womenfolk.......and yes, he had a traditional best dude waiting for him......but before the wedding ceremony? I was in charge of all the guys...me? the person who is always, always late? yep...I braided Aardron's hair, helped him get the kilt situated which was funny because after he got all his clothes on, he stood there, wriggled his hips, down dropped his boxers which he stepped out of and announced he was ready to go. We went to grab a bite of lunch, young dudes they do get hungry, ate and of course we were late. Never ever expect me to be anywhere on time. He wasn't worried, Deidre wasn't worried either, she knew.
Aardron, I want to thank you for hanging in there with me, I know it wasn't always easy, or fun being first-born, I was so young, inexperienced...if I'd known better I would certainly have done better and I thank you for choosing me to be your mom, you've taught me plenty and then some.
I love you.
Knitting? I have finished FI mansock #1, photos soon.
Angie, I've not been able to make/leave comments on your blog, my browser is seemingly not wordpress friendly these past few days.....I didn't want you thinking I was ignoring you...I did leave a message on Vintageme...........
Happy Knitting to all and continue to make good time.
Aardron arrived in the world. Happy Birthday, Aardron!!!!!
"Every household should have a railroad tool"
Straight from the birthday boy's mouth........I had a bit of a hard time getting ahold of Aardron (ARE-drun) this morning, no answer on the land-line, no answer on his cell, finally Deidre picked up on hers, they were OUT having breakfast! That's what prompted the above quote. Folks it started raining on friday, which turned to ice, and then changed to....what shall we call it...mix of ice and sleet...slice? hard pellets of slice...which then turned to hard pellets of a mix of snow and sleet=sneet, all in all several inches of white that's hard as concrete out there, oh it's kinda pretty, but terribly deceiving, no soft fluffy stuff here. But hey. It did actually really truly snow here this morning, not much, enough that it looked kind of sweet coming down..for just a little while....and the sun is trying to peek through the clouds, nice.
Happy Birthday Aardron! or Narn-narn which is what he called himself when he was just a wee lad, we still call him that.......heh.
I do have a few recent photos though, here he is all grown up, playing in the snow.....

Christmas morning..........

A bit fuzzy photo of Dad and Daughter..........

The family...............

The Warrior.......(with the blue metalic shades on)............

Yeah, I know, I don't have the scanner hooked up yet, I keep thinking if I wish hard enough I'll just wake up some morning with it hooked up and all the knowledge that I need to work it like a pro already installed in my brain, won't have to think twice about using it,etc.
I've got some great photos of family and friends just waiting in the sidelines. Oh, I hear you, I had all weekend of complete stay at home time and I didn't hook up the scanner to my pc.......I was busy.
I love Aardron. He's smart, has a great sense of humour, he's a pretty good dad (his kids love him) and I'm guessing that even though he drives Deidre nuts sometimes....(we all do that right? well, not drive Deidre nuts, but our own spouses/SOs/etc) she loves him enormously also, they've been together since '91, got married in '95 and just keep on carrying on.....
He has the mind of a scholar/philosopher, the soul of a bard, and the heart of a warrior.
He is my bouncing baby boy, always has been, always will be.
There are so many Aardron stories, the fun/funny ones, the sad and touching ones, you know. They're all jammin' around in my head right now....
While he was growing up....in middle school....I had a job where I had wednsday afternoons off, he'd come home from school and walk from the bus drop off home, taking a cut through a vacant lot and then into our backyard and come in through the back door. Every single wednesday....I'd be waiting for him, I'd see him through the kitchen window, walking toward the house, I'd wait on the other side of the door....when he opened it I'd scare the crap....er, I'd startle him plenty.....it was priceless....(I know, weird mom) but the thing was....he always spaced it out, that it was wednesday, scare day, crazy mom behind the backdoor day. We both laughed, yeah, I know, crazy mom.
When he and Deidre decided to get officially married, I was on a job out of town, they called to give me the good news and I was thrilled, Aardron then told me, what he really wanted was to get married in kilt....so I checked around, ordered it (Clan Gunn) and yes, it was made in Scotland, ok.......cool, the other cool thing about their wedding....I got to walk him down the aisle, and even cooler was that we were preceded by his two grandmothers and his aunt and sister...his womenfolk.......and yes, he had a traditional best dude waiting for him......but before the wedding ceremony? I was in charge of all the guys...me? the person who is always, always late? yep...I braided Aardron's hair, helped him get the kilt situated which was funny because after he got all his clothes on, he stood there, wriggled his hips, down dropped his boxers which he stepped out of and announced he was ready to go. We went to grab a bite of lunch, young dudes they do get hungry, ate and of course we were late. Never ever expect me to be anywhere on time. He wasn't worried, Deidre wasn't worried either, she knew.
Aardron, I want to thank you for hanging in there with me, I know it wasn't always easy, or fun being first-born, I was so young, inexperienced...if I'd known better I would certainly have done better and I thank you for choosing me to be your mom, you've taught me plenty and then some.
I love you.
Knitting? I have finished FI mansock #1, photos soon.
Angie, I've not been able to make/leave comments on your blog, my browser is seemingly not wordpress friendly these past few days.....I didn't want you thinking I was ignoring you...I did leave a message on Vintageme...........
Happy Knitting to all and continue to make good time.
What a handsome SON!!..and a beautiful family..thanks for sharing..Happy Knitting~~
Whoa. Handsome. Way handsome. And I swoon to think of same in a kilt. Drawers or no. Anyway - I'm a Gunn too. How freakin' weird is that? I owe you more!
Another birthday following on the heels of Christmas - your poor wallets.
What a priceless son!!
Excellent family phot of them. Don't they all look healthy and happy.
I french braided Ed's hair for many years, kinda miss that.
Happy Birthday! What a beautiful family... :)
Happy Birthday:)
Hope you also had agood day Marianne remembering all this:)
My son was also born 1972 but November. Doesn't seem that long back does it?
amber in Scotland off to do grandma duties for the week
Happy Birthday to Aardon and happy birth day to Mom.
You are right about first borns - but still they strive on our inability laced with lots of love!
Sorry about your wintry weather. Oklahoma City registered yesterday on our Weather Channel! It is like the weather gods dropped all our weather in a hat and then drew out weather for each region - somehow they got it a bit off!
Happy Birthday to Aardron! He sounds like a great guy. I love the pictures.
When you first wrote that he wanted to get married in a kilt, the first thing I thought was "I wonder if he went comando" hee hee
Yeah, we had the slice and sneet here in Kansas too. Very deceiving stuff.
Happy Birthday Aardron! Great pictures and love the stories too!
! What a handsome son and his lovely family.So "a belated Happy Birthday Aardron "I braided Holly's hair too ..drove me nuts !! She wants it straight really but without chemicals .He really is a lovely guy and scanners are easy ( if I can use one anyone can!!!) so I'd love to see more family photos. I hope you got my mail .
So sorry for sending our nasty weather your way on Aardron's birthday! But he's a lucky guy to have you for his mom. Thanks so much for sharing the memories. Love the pic of him and Miss Gracie especially....
I must chime in with Peg - - Happy Birthday to both of you! You (both of you) have been blessed in each other.
P.S. My daughter, Andriana, and I alternate. We wait in Alex's closet or behind the bedroom door for him to come back to his room. Once a month or so, we scare the bejesus out him. She's 11; he's 12. Anyway, he screams like a banshee and the chase is on.... LOL
Yikes, that slice and sneet sounds extreme! Here in NYC it's just cold. Windy. No white stuff. Which is probably good considering what happens to the white stuff as soon as it lands, but I still miss it.
And happy birthday to Aardron! He's just a couple months younger than my brother, my mom's first born, who also now has two kids. Thanks for sharing those sweet stories.
Oh I like the name Aardron. Should have thought of that for my second son. Except my husband is from Irish heritage. We have a Kyran (traditionally spelled Kieran) and a Nolan. Also a Heather, but that's actually an English name, or of English origin.
P.S. Johnny is worth the scrolling, a fabulous, funny and just plain good-to-look at guy.
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