Not much going on......
Don't really have much to say here, just thought I'd shake it up and post again, you know, just trying to post more often.....throw you guys off a bit. Ms. K has a hilarious post up RIGHT NOW, go read, all about naming storms as they really should be named. Have some gigglesnorts. Rabbitch has a rodent crises going on, and although I hope she gets it out of her home ASAP it's still got me rolling with laughter. Been there, done that.
The only project I have on my needles right this minute (read that will change before the day is over) is this,
and yes, it will have a mate also....these are for Bobby and actually I took this photo yesterday during the day and knit on it more last night....I have knit and turned the heel, picked up the gusset stitches and have decreased and am now zooming along the foot.....
FSF Jo, here's to you.......I have this problem with the daily newspapers in that we get one every morning, Bobby gets up, gets his coffee then sits on the couch and reads every bit of the paper, now I'm the one who goes out and gets the paper from the front yard every morning, I then take it into the kitchen, flip on the coffe maker, then go through the paper pulling out all the trash parts, but of course certain headlines will catch my eye, or seeing that there's recipes, and thinking....I'll save these parts for later, I just know I'm going to read/cut out/whatever later. What do I really have? A large stack of newspapers that after a week or so I go through again, and some get tossed out but still, there's a stack of newspapers on my table in the kitchen....ack.
Happy Knitting to All and continue to make good time.
The only project I have on my needles right this minute (read that will change before the day is over) is this,
FSF Jo, here's to you.......I have this problem with the daily newspapers in that we get one every morning, Bobby gets up, gets his coffee then sits on the couch and reads every bit of the paper, now I'm the one who goes out and gets the paper from the front yard every morning, I then take it into the kitchen, flip on the coffe maker, then go through the paper pulling out all the trash parts, but of course certain headlines will catch my eye, or seeing that there's recipes, and thinking....I'll save these parts for later, I just know I'm going to read/cut out/whatever later. What do I really have? A large stack of newspapers that after a week or so I go through again, and some get tossed out but still, there's a stack of newspapers on my table in the kitchen....ack.
Happy Knitting to All and continue to make good time.
I like how this sock is coming along! I was past the heel on my own, but didn't like the way the heel looked, and had to rip back and start it over. Ah, well. :0)
sock looks great:) Florence made me spill my hot chocolate:) Especially as we have just had a wee storm that I christened little sh&t on account of all the mess it left in the herb garden:)
happy new year
amber in scotland
The sock is fab! I love those soft colors. And reviewing days past, I think the dye jobs are way nice. There's some kind of reflexive gene I have that when the whole world is going toward deep dark jewel tones, I must have those barely there colors. I say don't touch all of them. Maybe one, just to see...Beautimous!
Gretch (only 2 of me!)
I like the socks! I am the newspaper reader here - actually most days there is only time to peruse the papers!
Oh wow Marianne loving the colour work in that sock it's great, I have an allergy problem with certain newspaper inks and have to read them from a safe distance!
Beautiful, Sweetie--simply beautiful. Bobby will LOVE them. I know I would be the same with newspapers if I let myself, which is why I toss them in the recycle mercilessly as soon as I finish reading them. It is also why I spend so much time wishing I had clipped that one article/cartoon/recipe.
That is one heck of a gorgeous sock! I have sock envy.
Love the colours of those socks. Holly is the paper hoarder and I have to get strict about cutting out her articles before the house fills . She also hoards old T.V guides mainly one called "The Radio Times" ( laughing?) which is the cream of guides with actor interviews etc and gardening .We find them stashed under her chair and insist she cuts out her articles .I am buying her two alphabetical files this week .I am being Holly as Blogger has it in for Wordpress folkies.Except on Charity's site!
What a dream of a sock!! I LOVE the colors! Sooooon...I will have a sock story..probably not print Knitting
Beautiful sock Marianne! FYI: I've got some painted wool coming to me in the mail and it's got your name on it. It'll take me a couple of weeks/a month to get the slippers done yet, but I'm lining it up. Have a great one! Dana
Lovely sock, Marianne! Is that from a pattern, or your own invention? Love the colours.
Hi there. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment and now I know you're here. Your socks in this post are exquisite. The colors are beautiful. Loved the stories of your daughter and family on her birthday post.
Happy Knitting.
Wow that looks fantastic! I am slowly working my way back to my fiber craft. Just yesterday I got an incredible urge to buy yarn and start a sweater project that a few of us are doing. Haven't felt that excited for months! LOL
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