A most incredible Gift.....
A couple of weeks ago...DH and I were in the backyard enjoying the weather, this was before the ice and snow mind you.....and I said to him....."you know blah blah in blah blah blah? well they're going to be in blah blah and I want to drive up to visit (read hang out big time....with a yarn crawl, of course)" He just looked at me...yeah? "yes, I figure it's X miles so would take Y hours to drive there, 'visit' for 3 maybe 4 hours then drive back home, now I know it will take all day but that's alright, I really want to see her" He looks at me for a few moments, then tells me...."You're nuts" oh well, we're going to bring that to the table? Of course I'm nuts, always have been, most likely always will....but I reply " yeah, yeah, I know, but I believe it's very doable" He says....."You'd be getting up and on the road at the break of dawn,(actually way before that considering the time of year it is) then getting to visit very little and driving home again...in the dark....no.....(at which point my heart sinks but even hearing that word absolutely does not mean I won't be going...).....I'll fly you there, rent you a vehicle, that way you'd get there around 9am, have all day, (and we are talking *all* day) then fly you back home that night".
How amazing is that? He truly is my Darling Husband......and I had no idea he could turn himself into a passenger airplane......
Which brings the reason I've been up since 5am, I'm baking bread and those Date Squares to take as gifts.....I am so excited! Now I've not seen her.....well, for the longest time, I can't even truthfully say *when* it was I actually saw her, but that absolutely does not reflect on how dear a friend she is to me, I love her..........and I am so excited......bouncing off the walls here at our little american clubhouse (you'd best be thinking as in Mickey Mouse, no, I take that back....think Goofy, that's more like it) and why? DH and I are both ADD, and it gets pretty hilarious around here, never mind the kitty,(ADD Deluxe) who has become a lot more than a 'part-time' kitty, who's name has ended up being Smoochie, thanks to our oldest son, Aardron, he just started calling her that mainly to tease his daughter, Gracie, who wanted to name her.....Gracie....yep, she's very generous with her name.
Did you get that 'ADD' part?
Couple more FO's........two pair of mansocks.....

It's just going to get busier around here, and tomorrow is the big day for the most incredible day trip ever and will get back to you all on tuesday or wednesday.....must.remember.to.take.the.camera.....
Happy knitting to all and continue to make good time.
How amazing is that? He truly is my Darling Husband......and I had no idea he could turn himself into a passenger airplane......
Which brings the reason I've been up since 5am, I'm baking bread and those Date Squares to take as gifts.....I am so excited! Now I've not seen her.....well, for the longest time, I can't even truthfully say *when* it was I actually saw her, but that absolutely does not reflect on how dear a friend she is to me, I love her..........and I am so excited......bouncing off the walls here at our little american clubhouse (you'd best be thinking as in Mickey Mouse, no, I take that back....think Goofy, that's more like it) and why? DH and I are both ADD, and it gets pretty hilarious around here, never mind the kitty,(ADD Deluxe) who has become a lot more than a 'part-time' kitty, who's name has ended up being Smoochie, thanks to our oldest son, Aardron, he just started calling her that mainly to tease his daughter, Gracie, who wanted to name her.....Gracie....yep, she's very generous with her name.
Did you get that 'ADD' part?
Couple more FO's........two pair of mansocks.....

It's just going to get busier around here, and tomorrow is the big day for the most incredible day trip ever and will get back to you all on tuesday or wednesday.....must.remember.to.take.the.camera.....
Happy knitting to all and continue to make good time.
Maybe I've put 2+2 together and made 5, but if you're going where I think you are, anyway, I'm very excited about where-ever you are going, have fun xox
What a sweet hubby! Can you even sit still thinking about the trip? Have a blast!!!
Oooh, sounds fun. Have a great trip!
Have a wonderful time ,look forward to hearing all about it !
You better not forget the camera! We're all vicariously excited now, and can't wait to see the pictures!
What a wonderful hubby you have! How thoughtful of him, to know how important this was for you. Have the most fabulous time! :0)
Oh, and those date squares and bread rolls--absolutely decadent. I got so excited about everything else that they didn't make it onto today's blog post...but they will. Sweetie, you just can't know how good it was to see you and hug you for real. I already miss you. And I love you more than I can say.
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