Saturday, October 28, 2006
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Wonderful, such a glow on her:)
That is some awesome color!
Oh wow! What a gorgeous tree! Enjoy it! Thanks for telling me about the flowering quince, that is great to know! We have a couple of those in our yard, and also scattered around the area and they are so pretty in spring.
Love the tree's frock. Wouldn't that be a gorgeous colour to make a fall sweater?
Not anonymous at all..angie and Holly have gone over to
We hope to see you there ,at the moment I am trying to learn about the new site..slowly!
An autumn tree crowned in glory.
Don't you just want to embrace it! (Yep, a tree hugger.)
I'm just catching up with blogs. Thanks for your kind thoughts and comments! I got to hold Faith through a the sermon and singing this morning, what a joy, especially since she was alert and looking around. Next time I see her I'll give her a special tender hug from you. :-)
Gorgeous photos, Marianne.
Isn't it the most beautiful year ever for fall colors in Tulsa?
Such a beautiful tree, I have been out in the garden trying to capture the glory of Autumn sunshine over here, and have posted photos of my favourite tree in honour of this beauty. Would like to be able to link to others blogs in the same way you and the others do, but can't get to grips with the techie stuff, ps I also have a thing for rocks too! and after seeing your success with Kool aid I've ordered a pack of 20, best wishes Joanna
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