It's a mental block sort of issue.....
The thing is...I have a block about writing...I choke...I freeze...
I am so incredibly keen about the likes of Ms. Knitingale and Jo, the words just flow from their amazing minds down through their knitterly fingers and they WRITE, for everyone's enjoyment. You know what I'm talking about. I know if I could do what they do, well, there would be much more frequent posts on this blog, as it is, come time to post a new entry I start pacing around the house, oh look, there's a light bulb needs replacing (never mind the bulb has been out for days) and I quickly replace the bulb, more pacing, sitting down at the desk to start in, well, I think I'll just check out some different yarns, or, gee, wonder what's going on out there in my little corner of blogland. Hmmmmm, wonder if Kate has returned from her holiday in New Hampshire? Well, yes she has and my goodness, aren't those some lovely photos? Speaking of Kate, she had a very interesting post about yarn and pricing of yarns (yes, check it out, she even made it in Yarnival!...again!) which led me to Sarah's Yarns and on to her on-line store. Don't you love how all this works? We.Are.All.Tied.Together. in a very knitterly fashion and I do just love it.
So,hmmmm, more pacing, today is bread baking day so tending to that also, it truly is sad, this pacing around the house, walking outside...listening to the children playing in the schoolyard across the street...enjoying the weather, it has finally cooled off, can't thank you enough, dear Canada.
Oh, alright, enough of this torture...
A spot of colour, these really are so pretty right now, too bad the photographer isn't better at this photo taking business. (I want to add in here that you can click on any of my photos and get a larger one to view)

My daughter Havala, has a sweetie, and let me tell you, he is a major sweetheart and yesterday was his birthday, he is now 30 years old. I've been quite busy with the holiday knitting and although I didn't forget his birthday was coming up I still had not decided what to do about it, giftwise...and then it hit me. So saturday I started on this...

and finished it monday afternoon, washed and blocked it, see the insides?

I really did wing it on this, in that....the pattern calls for sport weight yarn and using size 3 US needles...I had some worsted weight wool, so in keeping with how much I love to flirt with disaster, not to mention the wrath of the Knitting Faeries.....I went with size 7 US dpns and cast on 96 stitches, making it a three panel instead of 4...and get swatch.
This is how it turned out.....

He loves it,... my daughter loves it and he's got a proper job on his hands protecting his hat from her...yes, she really does need her own...
They even came down to the library where the good women of Knitnight at the Library and I were busy knitting get his birthday goods.
Now, here's a couple of photos we can all enjoy (oh, come on, she's a nice girl and just admit, she's easy on the eye) but these are especially for someone very dear to us....

I think you know who you are.
Besides the nice looking 30 year old dude pictured above, it is indeed a week of many birthdays around is my FIL's birthday, he's not in town but will be heading this way in a few days....HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB! We love you!
Tomorrow is the birthday of a very old and dear friend of mine, we've known each other...well, outside of this life time since we were mere teenagers. He took me to see Fiddler on the Roof when it first came out, it was quite a big deal actually, and I won't go into my behavior at the time...going to a musical...if he reads this he'll get a laugh (he remembers) but we'll just say that I absolutely loved it, seriously, and right then and there decided that if ever I were to have a daughter...her name would be Havala...which is actually spelled the way it sounds and not the proper spelling at all, which is Chava..and the little 'ala' is the 'term of affection' thing. Those 'a's are soft ones, as in 'ahh'. Bob is also an incredibly gifted and talented artist, as well as, and most importantly one of the most beautiful and outstanding human beings I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Happy Birthday to you, dear Bob. Check out his stuff here, Wilson Custom Tile.
Alright, enough? If you'd like to get in on a goodie swap go to Ms. Knitingale's, her link is up there at the beginning of the post, there's already a few folks signed up and it's looking like a fabulous group.
Happy knitting to all!
I am so incredibly keen about the likes of Ms. Knitingale and Jo, the words just flow from their amazing minds down through their knitterly fingers and they WRITE, for everyone's enjoyment. You know what I'm talking about. I know if I could do what they do, well, there would be much more frequent posts on this blog, as it is, come time to post a new entry I start pacing around the house, oh look, there's a light bulb needs replacing (never mind the bulb has been out for days) and I quickly replace the bulb, more pacing, sitting down at the desk to start in, well, I think I'll just check out some different yarns, or, gee, wonder what's going on out there in my little corner of blogland. Hmmmmm, wonder if Kate has returned from her holiday in New Hampshire? Well, yes she has and my goodness, aren't those some lovely photos? Speaking of Kate, she had a very interesting post about yarn and pricing of yarns (yes, check it out, she even made it in Yarnival!...again!) which led me to Sarah's Yarns and on to her on-line store. Don't you love how all this works? We.Are.All.Tied.Together. in a very knitterly fashion and I do just love it.
So,hmmmm, more pacing, today is bread baking day so tending to that also, it truly is sad, this pacing around the house, walking outside...listening to the children playing in the schoolyard across the street...enjoying the weather, it has finally cooled off, can't thank you enough, dear Canada.
Oh, alright, enough of this torture...
A spot of colour, these really are so pretty right now, too bad the photographer isn't better at this photo taking business. (I want to add in here that you can click on any of my photos and get a larger one to view)

My daughter Havala, has a sweetie, and let me tell you, he is a major sweetheart and yesterday was his birthday, he is now 30 years old. I've been quite busy with the holiday knitting and although I didn't forget his birthday was coming up I still had not decided what to do about it, giftwise...and then it hit me. So saturday I started on this...

and finished it monday afternoon, washed and blocked it, see the insides?

I really did wing it on this, in that....the pattern calls for sport weight yarn and using size 3 US needles...I had some worsted weight wool, so in keeping with how much I love to flirt with disaster, not to mention the wrath of the Knitting Faeries.....I went with size 7 US dpns and cast on 96 stitches, making it a three panel instead of 4...and get swatch.
This is how it turned out.....

He loves it,... my daughter loves it and he's got a proper job on his hands protecting his hat from her...yes, she really does need her own...
They even came down to the library where the good women of Knitnight at the Library and I were busy knitting get his birthday goods.
Now, here's a couple of photos we can all enjoy (oh, come on, she's a nice girl and just admit, she's easy on the eye) but these are especially for someone very dear to us....

I think you know who you are.
Besides the nice looking 30 year old dude pictured above, it is indeed a week of many birthdays around is my FIL's birthday, he's not in town but will be heading this way in a few days....HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB! We love you!
Tomorrow is the birthday of a very old and dear friend of mine, we've known each other...well, outside of this life time since we were mere teenagers. He took me to see Fiddler on the Roof when it first came out, it was quite a big deal actually, and I won't go into my behavior at the time...going to a musical...if he reads this he'll get a laugh (he remembers) but we'll just say that I absolutely loved it, seriously, and right then and there decided that if ever I were to have a daughter...her name would be Havala...which is actually spelled the way it sounds and not the proper spelling at all, which is Chava..and the little 'ala' is the 'term of affection' thing. Those 'a's are soft ones, as in 'ahh'. Bob is also an incredibly gifted and talented artist, as well as, and most importantly one of the most beautiful and outstanding human beings I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Happy Birthday to you, dear Bob. Check out his stuff here, Wilson Custom Tile.
Alright, enough? If you'd like to get in on a goodie swap go to Ms. Knitingale's, her link is up there at the beginning of the post, there's already a few folks signed up and it's looking like a fabulous group.
Happy knitting to all!
Wow - I was just thinking how much I *love* the name Havala, and trying to figure out why it rang a bell....Fiddler on the Roof! I love that movie, but haven't seen it in many years. It all came back to me, though - I loved that name since I first saw the movie, but I'd forgotten. A wonderful name for your daughter!
I enjoyed your account of your writer's block, too - my writer's block is reserved for my diss. After 15 minutes over wandering around the house trying to avoid working on it, I usually go, "oh! I know! I have to post to my blog! Really! I have to!" This probably explains why most of my posts are miles long - it's all a way of avoiding the real writing job. Then, of course, I have to see what everybody else posted since I last checked...hours can easily disappear in this fashion....
Anyway - *beautiful* hat! Don't you love it when the planets are all aligned and a project just works out like magic? Makes all the frogging we do the rest of the time worth it...
For a gal who says she has writer's block, you do very well, Marianne. I love your blog. Don't be so hard on yourself - anyway, now you will be too busy knitting another hat for your DD.
Ah, Sweetie--you don't have writer's block. You have writer's doubt, a very different beastie. I love reading your posts every time. Loving the pirate hat, you got the inside to look like that is beyond me, although I suspect some sort of unholy alliance. And give that beautiful little cow girl a huge hug for me--I made an "Awwwww" sound right out loud when I saw her!
Gorgeous hat! And what a bonus that it was so well-received :)
What adorable pictures of your little one, and the wedding pics from the earlier post were amazing!
Knit-night was fun. I might just have to try the pirate hat. And I still don't know how you knit so fast!
Marianne, believe me I know all about those sessions wandering round the house (and garden) virtuously telling myself I really should tackle this job or that. It's usually when I have a really difficult piece to write for a magazine or newspaper with an imminent deadline. Weblogging is so relaxing by comparison I love it. And Kate, I know where you're at. I spent much valuable research time in coffee bars but when it came to the writing up - hell, any excuse was good enough! Stick at it. Take it from me that it's 99% getting there and a measly 1% genius! Maddening but true (probably...)
Celtic Memory Yarns
Marianne...try typing "Janette's Rare Yarns" into U.K E:Bay .Janette sells some Jamiesons and she certainly sells to individuals .If she doesn't come up that way click on the "Buy it Now" area on U.K E:Bay and she has lot's of Noro listed her prices stand out as they come up in U.S dollars I guess most of her best customers are from the U.S.
The flowers are lovely to see in the middle of October. Wow, cool hat. Do you always knit the inside so impeccably?
We watch Fiddler on the Roof on a regular basis. It's one of Ed's favourites. :-)
For someone who was pacing the floor wondering what to write, the words seem to flow effortlessly.
Thank you to all, for the encouraging words, Wanda, they don't,(flow effortlessly) believe me.
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