Mmmmmm, Sure smells good in here.....
Today is a breadbaking day. I bake bread for my husband, for his sandwiches (which I pack for him to take to work, he hates 'going out' for food while at work), he gets a peanutbutter and honey sandwich, plus usually a turkey sandwich, some yogurt and fruit, everyday of the week, and never complains about having the same food, in fact, he kinda likes it that way, am I lucky or what?
I had been planning to post about colours and colour combinations brain has been scattery all day and I decided to just go with what I'm doing here.
This is a great honey whole wheat bread and if anyone out there wants the recipe, let me know, I'll email it to you, very easy, simple...but it does have an extra rise period.

Meet Ms. Blessyou, she is my best friend in the kitchen, mind you, not my 'very' best friend in the kitchen, that would be my daughter, Havala. Ms. Blessyou came to live with me almost 2 years ago, my sweet mother brought her over and introduced us, then...left her here.

That's Ms. Blessyou's close friend, as well as mine, Little Ms. Happycrock, she's just a darling, and doesn't mind the 'all day heat in the kitchen' at all.
Ms. Knitingale, you might want to pay attention here, well, really just kidding, I know you know your way around the kitchen, and competently at that. Here's the dough in the oven all snuggled in.

Here's the dough risen, this is the second rise.

I make 20 sandwich rolls out of one batch, here they are in their pans ready to go back for another rise time.

And now usually, this is where I'd stop them from rising more, crank up the oven, put them in and bake them...but...a couple of weeks ago on bread day, I 'forgot' about them, left them in the oven rising much longer than they needed, and they'd kind of collapsed a little bit on themselves. If you bake bread you know what I'm talking about, I mentioned to husband about the flatter bread, he just kinda nodded his head, "uh hmmmmm". So the next bread day I said something to the effect of...I'll be sure and watch which he said, 'NO, I liked it flatter, do it again." That particular batch didn't turn out the way he would've liked but today.....a better ending. Sorry the photo is a bit blurry.

It really really smells good in here.
Another little bit of granddaughter, Grace, was in a wedding, and I must, absolutely must share these, now if you're not into looking at pretty children, simply avert your eyes and try to scroll down to the knitting, (sigh, there's not much, I tell you).

I love that, with her arms up, she really is my Petit Wild Woman, although it was reported that her behavior during the wedding was impeccable.

She was also put in charge to take care of the ring bearer, he's 2, Gracie is 3. She took her post quite seriously

Here's Gracie and her lovely Mom, my Deiderdaughter, I can see that Gracie is looking out the side of her eyes, keeping watch on that camera business.

I finished one sock of the Father and Son sock, and as I tend to rotate I started yet another sock, which is also for the LRPD box, this is made with Knitpicks new sock yarn, Gloss, it's a wool silk blend, the colour is much prettier in person, a very warm burgundy, and it's soft, it's delightful to knit, and really,

Isn't this shameful? This is truly 'it' for my knitting...what have I been doing?!? well, for one thing, DH decided he wanted to put these metal corners on the outside of the house, but first they needed painting, that's exactly what took up huge chunks of my knitting time this past week. That, plus it seemed like there were more 'things' than usual cutting into my knitting time.
Next post will hopefully be better....more knitting content... and I do want to talk about colours and the universe has thrown down a gauntlet, and....I'm picking it up. I'll talk more about that later also.
And now me darlin' hearties, keep in mind tomorrow is like a pirate day....enjoy it!!!
I had been planning to post about colours and colour combinations brain has been scattery all day and I decided to just go with what I'm doing here.
This is a great honey whole wheat bread and if anyone out there wants the recipe, let me know, I'll email it to you, very easy, simple...but it does have an extra rise period.

Meet Ms. Blessyou, she is my best friend in the kitchen, mind you, not my 'very' best friend in the kitchen, that would be my daughter, Havala. Ms. Blessyou came to live with me almost 2 years ago, my sweet mother brought her over and introduced us, then...left her here.

That's Ms. Blessyou's close friend, as well as mine, Little Ms. Happycrock, she's just a darling, and doesn't mind the 'all day heat in the kitchen' at all.
Ms. Knitingale, you might want to pay attention here, well, really just kidding, I know you know your way around the kitchen, and competently at that. Here's the dough in the oven all snuggled in.

Here's the dough risen, this is the second rise.

I make 20 sandwich rolls out of one batch, here they are in their pans ready to go back for another rise time.

And now usually, this is where I'd stop them from rising more, crank up the oven, put them in and bake them...but...a couple of weeks ago on bread day, I 'forgot' about them, left them in the oven rising much longer than they needed, and they'd kind of collapsed a little bit on themselves. If you bake bread you know what I'm talking about, I mentioned to husband about the flatter bread, he just kinda nodded his head, "uh hmmmmm". So the next bread day I said something to the effect of...I'll be sure and watch which he said, 'NO, I liked it flatter, do it again." That particular batch didn't turn out the way he would've liked but today.....a better ending. Sorry the photo is a bit blurry.

It really really smells good in here.
Another little bit of granddaughter, Grace, was in a wedding, and I must, absolutely must share these, now if you're not into looking at pretty children, simply avert your eyes and try to scroll down to the knitting, (sigh, there's not much, I tell you).

I love that, with her arms up, she really is my Petit Wild Woman, although it was reported that her behavior during the wedding was impeccable.

She was also put in charge to take care of the ring bearer, he's 2, Gracie is 3. She took her post quite seriously

Here's Gracie and her lovely Mom, my Deiderdaughter, I can see that Gracie is looking out the side of her eyes, keeping watch on that camera business.

I finished one sock of the Father and Son sock, and as I tend to rotate I started yet another sock, which is also for the LRPD box, this is made with Knitpicks new sock yarn, Gloss, it's a wool silk blend, the colour is much prettier in person, a very warm burgundy, and it's soft, it's delightful to knit, and really,

Isn't this shameful? This is truly 'it' for my knitting...what have I been doing?!? well, for one thing, DH decided he wanted to put these metal corners on the outside of the house, but first they needed painting, that's exactly what took up huge chunks of my knitting time this past week. That, plus it seemed like there were more 'things' than usual cutting into my knitting time.
Next post will hopefully be better....more knitting content... and I do want to talk about colours and the universe has thrown down a gauntlet, and....I'm picking it up. I'll talk more about that later also.
And now me darlin' hearties, keep in mind tomorrow is like a pirate day....enjoy it!!!
Beautiful photos! Your kitchen looks so cozy, and I bet the bread smelled fantastic!
I can almost smell it!
I have your mixer's twin at my house and I do love it!
Cute photos of Gracie too!
Thank you for leaving such a kind note about my grandmother on my blog. I considered not even writing about her death, but now that I'm done, I'm glad I did.
Your pictures, especially Gracie, made me smile. I haven't baked bread in like forevah, but you've brought back memories of how satisfying it is.
Marianne, I can almost smell the bread from here! I'll try it...I will....honest. Okay, I admit--I'm a huge coward! But that lovely Gracie.....SUCH a little charmer!
YUM! That bread looks fantastic, makes me want to try some baking today...
I got diverted...I love what bits i can see of your looks so beautiful and homely. I'd love to pop round for one of your delicous smelling (I know they smell good)bread rolls, I don't mind flat or normal. But that darling little Gracie the bridesmaid...I could eat her, Madeleine was 3 in November and she is just the most darling of children, well as well as her bigger sister Emilia of course. I want one of those mixers, we call them KitchenAids over here, Barry and I look at them often, he says, when we get our own place...not too long now...pleeeze....oh and I have to say that we never eat shop bought bread, you know that horrid flabby white stuff in plastic bags, Barry makes all our bread but he uses the bread machine my Mum bought for me a few years ago, I brought it with me from my old life to my new one, it's well loved and actually, I kid you not, I can smell bread right now and I think it's almost ready....a photo needs to be taken i reckon
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