Happy Birthday, Conor!
Today is my one and only Grandson's birthday, Conor turns 9 today.
I've truly been blessed by this universe, my oldest son, Aardron, met and fell in love with a lovely lass, Deidre, they wed and eventually gave birth to this child, Conor, and they honoured me by letting me be with them for the birth. Incredible is what it was and remains to this day as one of the great highlights of my life. Holding this babe for the first time and looking into his eyes, I knew in a flash that this was indeed a continuation of a great love affair with this soul. It's been written and said that souls travel in 'packs', I believe this is true.

Conor has always been a true source of joy for me, I know all children have their moments when they drive their elders to craziness and Conor has his fair share of those but truly, he is an outstanding young dude. He's sweet, incredibly sweet, shows respect and affection for the oldest of elders, he's smart, and has a very unique sense of humour. When he was 2 years of age he started showing an intense interest in dinosaurs,now I realize that's not so uncommon, but to learn their proper names and be able to identify them, at least 50 of them by the time he was almost 3 years of age, this I thought was exceptional. At that point in time he would also tell you that when he grew up he wanted to be a paleontologist. Many books on the subject were gifted to him as well as checked out from the library, he was more than content to sit in your lap and learn, learn, learn, he soaked it up like a sponge.
This year Conor requested a vivarium to house a wee bitty lizard, and a computer. He knows his Grandpa (my DH) practically lives to build computers, so that's who he went to with that request. DH and I discussed it.......and dear Grandpa built him his own little PC. I don't know if Conor actually thought he'd get it, because you know, it just doesn't hurt to ask, so he was a bit surprised to actually see it and pretty much blown away.

His Mom and Dad got him the vivarium and they all set it up together, making the trip to the shop for the supplies and the wee bitty lizard, he named it Luanne. Now actually Conor was a bit torn in that he has this thing for frogs....

Today he and some of his buds had a party at the neighborhood pool and while they were there with his mom and other family members, his dear dad got himself back to the shop and brought home a wee tree frog. When Conor got back home, he went to his room to check on his wee beastie and came running back out exclaiming there was a frog in the tank!

This is Louie.
Conor is one very happy dude.

Yes, the birthday cake, Conor, his cousin Gavin, and his sister Gracie. (from left to right)

Happy Birthday Conor, and many many more.
On the personal knitting front.....I have knit the Market Bag, it's to be felted but wanted to show how it looked before felting....it's HUGE. And I must say, the pattern called for 4 skeins of Lamb's Pride bulky, but...I had to go back and get more, I ended up picking up 2 more skeins and with the left over I made a hat. I have felted the bag but need to attach the 'button' and will take a pic when finished and post it. These two items are going to be living in Boston, MA and commuting into NYC to a vegan/raw food/vegetarian/nutrition culinary institute. They'll come in handy for carrying whatever items needed and keep a very dear friend of my daughter's head nice and warm, and of course, knit with loads of love.

The hat, and ....yep, more 'warshrags', very possibly the end run on those for awhile.
And just to show I've not been a total slacker....

Here's three socks, all different, but still halfway there to three pairs of socks.
Happy Knitting All
I've truly been blessed by this universe, my oldest son, Aardron, met and fell in love with a lovely lass, Deidre, they wed and eventually gave birth to this child, Conor, and they honoured me by letting me be with them for the birth. Incredible is what it was and remains to this day as one of the great highlights of my life. Holding this babe for the first time and looking into his eyes, I knew in a flash that this was indeed a continuation of a great love affair with this soul. It's been written and said that souls travel in 'packs', I believe this is true.

Conor has always been a true source of joy for me, I know all children have their moments when they drive their elders to craziness and Conor has his fair share of those but truly, he is an outstanding young dude. He's sweet, incredibly sweet, shows respect and affection for the oldest of elders, he's smart, and has a very unique sense of humour. When he was 2 years of age he started showing an intense interest in dinosaurs,now I realize that's not so uncommon, but to learn their proper names and be able to identify them, at least 50 of them by the time he was almost 3 years of age, this I thought was exceptional. At that point in time he would also tell you that when he grew up he wanted to be a paleontologist. Many books on the subject were gifted to him as well as checked out from the library, he was more than content to sit in your lap and learn, learn, learn, he soaked it up like a sponge.
This year Conor requested a vivarium to house a wee bitty lizard, and a computer. He knows his Grandpa (my DH) practically lives to build computers, so that's who he went to with that request. DH and I discussed it.......and dear Grandpa built him his own little PC. I don't know if Conor actually thought he'd get it, because you know, it just doesn't hurt to ask, so he was a bit surprised to actually see it and pretty much blown away.

His Mom and Dad got him the vivarium and they all set it up together, making the trip to the shop for the supplies and the wee bitty lizard, he named it Luanne. Now actually Conor was a bit torn in that he has this thing for frogs....

Today he and some of his buds had a party at the neighborhood pool and while they were there with his mom and other family members, his dear dad got himself back to the shop and brought home a wee tree frog. When Conor got back home, he went to his room to check on his wee beastie and came running back out exclaiming there was a frog in the tank!

This is Louie.
Conor is one very happy dude.

Yes, the birthday cake, Conor, his cousin Gavin, and his sister Gracie. (from left to right)

Happy Birthday Conor, and many many more.
On the personal knitting front.....I have knit the Market Bag, it's to be felted but wanted to show how it looked before felting....it's HUGE. And I must say, the pattern called for 4 skeins of Lamb's Pride bulky, but...I had to go back and get more, I ended up picking up 2 more skeins and with the left over I made a hat. I have felted the bag but need to attach the 'button' and will take a pic when finished and post it. These two items are going to be living in Boston, MA and commuting into NYC to a vegan/raw food/vegetarian/nutrition culinary institute. They'll come in handy for carrying whatever items needed and keep a very dear friend of my daughter's head nice and warm, and of course, knit with loads of love.

The hat, and ....yep, more 'warshrags', very possibly the end run on those for awhile.
And just to show I've not been a total slacker....

Here's three socks, all different, but still halfway there to three pairs of socks.
Happy Knitting All
Love the market bag, Marianne and really must try some felting without any more delay. And the socks are great too!
Have just listed Children of Lir on eBay but hey it's not for gifted craft fiends like you, it's for those who like someone else to do the creative work for them. But feel free to look and enjoy! I'll even send you the legend if you like.
(And thanks for the sympathy. It was needed, I admit it, and I really appreciated it.)
Sorry, forgot to say you should be able to find it under the category of Handspun, Handpainted...
Oh, Marianne--I LOVE the hat! And I don't usually love hats, I gotta say. And the granddude is absolutely awesome. Somehow, I think whatever he wants to be.....well, let's just say I wouldn't want to be between him and it!
Happy birthday Connor.. I know what you mean about Grandchildren. I have a plack that says I never thought I would ever love another until they layed my grandchild in my arms... They just take hold of your heart and soul and it is theirs to keep. It should be no other way. All of your knitting is so wonderful.. You do a great job. I just hope to knit that well someday. I have the yarn and pattern for the Lucy Bag now to just get busy and do it! LOL... You inspire me to want to get it out and get it done. Well dear friend I am off to play pogo then to bed. I should be off to bed but what the heck... Pogo calls my name. Love ya
Marianne, I'm sure there's a better way to respond to your lovely posts...but I can't seem to find it! I can't think you enough for your kind words. It makes me feel good to know that I make someone laugh, other than Hubby! Is there a way I can respond to you more directly?
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