Oh, 'dem Blues....

Yep, see that button to the right? Go ahead, click on it.....well, that is if you're for the BLUE....join in.
Here's some of the blue stash. Yeah, I like blue.
This is going to be a hit and run kind of post...first of all......I'm good. Well, certainly not as good as Peg and ok, not as good as Ms. Knitingale, but I am.....pretty good. I'll tell you why, we all joined in on a Comfort Swap and the post deadline is the 4th thursday of November, which in this neck of the wood happens to be Thanksgiving...which means packages had better post before then. Peg sent her package off, at least a week ago, well, it seems like it's been that long, Florence got her package off yesterday. I gathered the last bit this morning, packed it all up, turned to my pc to open that email that has the address and....nothing.....cable connection down.....damn. I did a few minutes of fretting, and just had to give in to it, would probably be going to the post office on monday....putzed around the house, it is friday after all, which means tidying up, otherwise known as damage control....eventually taking me into the spare room (which is DH domain) where all the computer stuff, connections etc, and I happened to look at that 'box' and noticed it is again all lit up like a bitty Christmas tree, YAY.
Got into the email, got the address and off I flew to the post office. Secret Buddy, your package is on it's way!
A couple of people were asking about my tonsils...they were never removed surgically, I didn't even know I no longer had them until the late 1980's, I had an interesting job at the time, was running the office for a methadone treatment program, the Dr. was in town, we were going over charts, doing the usual, I had a sore throat or something and he offered to take a look, asked me when I'd had my tonsils removed...uh, never?, huh! you don't have any.....and then he asked me if I'd ever been really sick, as in running a high fever for a day or so, well, probably, he told me my body could've burned them out...interesting, eh? All I know, I don't have any and I've not had them removed. That's the truth, and that's all I know for sure.
Have a great weekend, people, happy knitting to all and continue to make good time.
Here's some of the blue stash. Yeah, I like blue.
This is going to be a hit and run kind of post...first of all......I'm good. Well, certainly not as good as Peg and ok, not as good as Ms. Knitingale, but I am.....pretty good. I'll tell you why, we all joined in on a Comfort Swap and the post deadline is the 4th thursday of November, which in this neck of the wood happens to be Thanksgiving...which means packages had better post before then. Peg sent her package off, at least a week ago, well, it seems like it's been that long, Florence got her package off yesterday. I gathered the last bit this morning, packed it all up, turned to my pc to open that email that has the address and....nothing.....cable connection down.....damn. I did a few minutes of fretting, and just had to give in to it, would probably be going to the post office on monday....putzed around the house, it is friday after all, which means tidying up, otherwise known as damage control....eventually taking me into the spare room (which is DH domain) where all the computer stuff, connections etc, and I happened to look at that 'box' and noticed it is again all lit up like a bitty Christmas tree, YAY.
Got into the email, got the address and off I flew to the post office. Secret Buddy, your package is on it's way!
A couple of people were asking about my tonsils...they were never removed surgically, I didn't even know I no longer had them until the late 1980's, I had an interesting job at the time, was running the office for a methadone treatment program, the Dr. was in town, we were going over charts, doing the usual, I had a sore throat or something and he offered to take a look, asked me when I'd had my tonsils removed...uh, never?, huh! you don't have any.....and then he asked me if I'd ever been really sick, as in running a high fever for a day or so, well, probably, he told me my body could've burned them out...interesting, eh? All I know, I don't have any and I've not had them removed. That's the truth, and that's all I know for sure.
Have a great weekend, people, happy knitting to all and continue to make good time.
Fascinating about your disappearing tonsils. Who'd a thought?
Awesome, a democratic swap!
'Round these parts, blue = conservative, though, so I'd need to dig out the red or orange ;)
There 's a british blogger called Daisy who is gonna be seriously jealous ! She's beeon an N.H.S waiting list to have her very nasty removed for I don't know how long !
Such pretty yarns--makes me wanna run my fingers through them! I love the idea of a democratic kal, and I have a TON of blue shades of yarn. What a great idea!
So your tonsils just hit the road....very interesting. You know, adenoids always disappear in adults--maybe your tonsils thought they were adenoids? Or missed the adenoids so much they decided to go with them?
Oh, groan, I may be the very last one to mail my package. Tuesday, for sure. Really. :0)
Ain't life funny, got my parcel posted this morning, and have just cast on a pair of blue jaywalkers.
Glad we got to the bottom of the missing tonsils too!
Hi Marianne,
I giggled outrageously when I read your comment on the Yarn Harlot's blog regarding my dispassion for socks. Let me say that I'm a Fibertrends Clog/Slipper fanatic. I'll knit for the feet, but NOT SOCKS. ;) Again though, your comment made my day and it was a needed buffer after a rather rude one that came later. Have a lovely weekend. Dana
Hello again,
Please believe me when I say that you will ADORE the slippers. I've been knitting them up ad nauseaum, but they're worth very moment of it. Once life has settled down a bit (post-holidays), I'll trade you a pair of slippers for a pair of socks. ;) (P.S. I'll throw in a bowl too because socks are so much more intense than slippers).
February sounds wonderful. However, I must, in all fairness, give you a second opportunity to decline the proposed exchange. Why? I wear a size 10 shoe. LOL What's your size?
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