We Made Really Good Time
Sometimes the universe is so incredibly generous and just seriously showers you with grace...that's what it was like this past monday. What an incredible day.
My feelings and thoughts are flowing through my mind but when I sit down to write...not so much flow, and this is absolutely no reflection on the beauty that is Ms.K, at all. She is...well, she's beautiful, stately, elegant, a real stunner, she's brilliant, witty, kind, sensitive,hilariously funny, and you all know that already and really, whatever you imagine you can multiply *that* by at least a kergillion and it's a good start. And Mr.K? He's an absolute Sweetheart, he's great, but of course he is....just look who he fell in love with...and of course, consider who fell in love with him, 'nuff said.
But how can I tell you that we managed to dork and spaz our way across Kansas with the utmost glee, miss turn-offs, (I was driving, I delegated her to 'nagivator', but believe me if it'd been the other way around we'd still be there taking absolute wrong turns, stopping in occasionally to eat and put more gas in the vehicle...but yep, we'd still be lost).
She is the little sister that I kept asking my parents for.....and wouldn't give me...and yet, the universe definitely had my back on this one. All in due time.
Little Sister of my Heart.

OK, I'm going to tell you one thing that happened...I nearly died with remorse....she had knit a stole, remember that purpley knit that was laying underneath her Samus? which by the way, her Samus is gorgeous, I kid you not, beautifully knit, beyond beautiful... ok, the purpley knit is a stole like scarf that she knit for me..for me...I immediately put it on and felt the love...well...we stopped in for a bit of food at a Mexican place, we ate, left...we're on our way to the Yarn Barn in Lawrence, Ks and something went off in my head....'er, quick, look in the back, is the scarf there?' 'ummm, hmm, no, I don't see it' 'oh crap' (not exactly what I really said you can imagine) 'look in the bags...ack!' 'nope, don't see it', I wanted to cry, really badly...and we're trying to figure WTF could've happened...arghhhh.
We've gone too far to turn back with our time, so I asked her to call her KCSIS....which she did, what a darling KCSIS, she said she'd try and find out.....
Onward and upward, but can you imagine how I felt? We got to the Yarn Barn, which btw if you ever find yourself in Lawrence,KS, go to the old downtown area, that's where it is, great area...so the parking is a diagonal affair and yes, there were parking meters but in my defence they were several feet from the cars...and heavily festooned for the holidays and I *did* think while pulling into the parking space...oh look, meters, must plug the meter...got out of said vehicle and that thought completely took off out of what must be an imaginary brain because the eyes were looking at the front of this store...whoa! This place is NICE....Heavenly NICE...they've got your yarns of all kinds, they've got your cones for weaving...they've got your spinning wheels, spindles, books, rovings, silk hankies, silk other things, camel down yarn, buffalo yarn (yep, the holy crapola yarn itself), great prices, discounts, just nearly anything and everything your fibre knitterly spinnery weavery self could want. What parking meter? Not another thought of it...until we walked out and what was the first thing I saw? yep, the parking meter, words flew out of my mouth, I walked to the vehicle really hoping that bit of paper under the wiper was a happy little invitation to the cute little shop two doors down, but no, a parking fine...I'm laughing, Ms.K, well, she's feeling a wee bit..something...but hey, the fine? 2 bucks...they even give you a self addressed envelope to mail it back to them, and Ms.K figured it really only cost .60 more than if we'd plugged the darn thing. Worth every penny for the laugh. Let's back up a bit, back in the barn, in the meantime, Ms.K gets a phone call, and because she had turned the volume up on her phone, it could be heard throughout the whole store, not the exact words mind you but you knew you were listening to someone talking...her KCSIS calling about the name of the Mexican place...which they finally figured out and she said she'd call them......more waiting...and yes, we both stuck our hands into that bag of alpaca top roving....sweet enough to bring tears to one's eyes.
I did manage to get a couple of photos of Ms.K while in THE Barn, at which point a woman came over and quietly told me the owners didn't allow photos taken...huh? but......there's some folks out there who have screwed it up for folks like us who just want to simply try and catch the moment...ya know? sheesh.

OK, so we leave the Barn, laugh about the Fine, head back to KC and the airport...KCSIS calls...yep, that Mexican place had the scarf (now I'm wanting to cry tears of joy) she'll pick it up and they'll get it posted to me....thank you so much KCSIS and KCMOM!!!
Of course the day didn't last nearly long enough, their flight was earlier than mine so I got to hang with Mr. and Ms.K for a bit longer then they were off winging their way towards their home and it was time for me to find my gate and make my way back home...
Although we didn't get to actually knit together, we did each have a project at hand to show and tell, I got to see the alpaca shawl she's working on, incredibly beautiful, and soft....and the colour...big sigh.
Ms. K, Thank you, positively lovely, we'll do this again sometime, somewhere...and hopefully the universe will grace us with more than just a few hours out of a day.......
Oh yeah, the goods I packed home.....I received a tin of those luscious baked goods Ms.K is so famous for and let me tell you....delicious doesn't even begin to describe them, melt in your mouth, bite sized pieces of heaven........sorry no photo but you can see them over at her site...the post where she was packing them up...now the fibre...that roving, the colour is called...carrot cake, it is really very pretty, has all kinds of colours in there that the camera can't pick up, rather I realize it's my skills with the camera...and that's 2 skeins of alpaca, more a sports/DK weight,total yardage..1300...very pretty brown, more like a purpletone taupe brown, and the green? grabbed it up, it's a great green but needed a bit more for the discount, not painful at all, trust me, Gracie likes stash...nearly as much as her grandma does, heh.

Happy Knitting to all, and continue to make good time!
My feelings and thoughts are flowing through my mind but when I sit down to write...not so much flow, and this is absolutely no reflection on the beauty that is Ms.K, at all. She is...well, she's beautiful, stately, elegant, a real stunner, she's brilliant, witty, kind, sensitive,hilariously funny, and you all know that already and really, whatever you imagine you can multiply *that* by at least a kergillion and it's a good start. And Mr.K? He's an absolute Sweetheart, he's great, but of course he is....just look who he fell in love with...and of course, consider who fell in love with him, 'nuff said.
But how can I tell you that we managed to dork and spaz our way across Kansas with the utmost glee, miss turn-offs, (I was driving, I delegated her to 'nagivator', but believe me if it'd been the other way around we'd still be there taking absolute wrong turns, stopping in occasionally to eat and put more gas in the vehicle...but yep, we'd still be lost).
She is the little sister that I kept asking my parents for.....and wouldn't give me...and yet, the universe definitely had my back on this one. All in due time.
Little Sister of my Heart.

OK, I'm going to tell you one thing that happened...I nearly died with remorse....she had knit a stole, remember that purpley knit that was laying underneath her Samus? which by the way, her Samus is gorgeous, I kid you not, beautifully knit, beyond beautiful... ok, the purpley knit is a stole like scarf that she knit for me..for me...I immediately put it on and felt the love...well...we stopped in for a bit of food at a Mexican place, we ate, left...we're on our way to the Yarn Barn in Lawrence, Ks and something went off in my head....'er, quick, look in the back, is the scarf there?' 'ummm, hmm, no, I don't see it' 'oh crap' (not exactly what I really said you can imagine) 'look in the bags...ack!' 'nope, don't see it', I wanted to cry, really badly...and we're trying to figure WTF could've happened...arghhhh.
We've gone too far to turn back with our time, so I asked her to call her KCSIS....which she did, what a darling KCSIS, she said she'd try and find out.....
Onward and upward, but can you imagine how I felt? We got to the Yarn Barn, which btw if you ever find yourself in Lawrence,KS, go to the old downtown area, that's where it is, great area...so the parking is a diagonal affair and yes, there were parking meters but in my defence they were several feet from the cars...and heavily festooned for the holidays and I *did* think while pulling into the parking space...oh look, meters, must plug the meter...got out of said vehicle and that thought completely took off out of what must be an imaginary brain because the eyes were looking at the front of this store...whoa! This place is NICE....Heavenly NICE...they've got your yarns of all kinds, they've got your cones for weaving...they've got your spinning wheels, spindles, books, rovings, silk hankies, silk other things, camel down yarn, buffalo yarn (yep, the holy crapola yarn itself), great prices, discounts, just nearly anything and everything your fibre knitterly spinnery weavery self could want. What parking meter? Not another thought of it...until we walked out and what was the first thing I saw? yep, the parking meter, words flew out of my mouth, I walked to the vehicle really hoping that bit of paper under the wiper was a happy little invitation to the cute little shop two doors down, but no, a parking fine...I'm laughing, Ms.K, well, she's feeling a wee bit..something...but hey, the fine? 2 bucks...they even give you a self addressed envelope to mail it back to them, and Ms.K figured it really only cost .60 more than if we'd plugged the darn thing. Worth every penny for the laugh. Let's back up a bit, back in the barn, in the meantime, Ms.K gets a phone call, and because she had turned the volume up on her phone, it could be heard throughout the whole store, not the exact words mind you but you knew you were listening to someone talking...her KCSIS calling about the name of the Mexican place...which they finally figured out and she said she'd call them......more waiting...and yes, we both stuck our hands into that bag of alpaca top roving....sweet enough to bring tears to one's eyes.
I did manage to get a couple of photos of Ms.K while in THE Barn, at which point a woman came over and quietly told me the owners didn't allow photos taken...huh? but......there's some folks out there who have screwed it up for folks like us who just want to simply try and catch the moment...ya know? sheesh.

OK, so we leave the Barn, laugh about the Fine, head back to KC and the airport...KCSIS calls...yep, that Mexican place had the scarf (now I'm wanting to cry tears of joy) she'll pick it up and they'll get it posted to me....thank you so much KCSIS and KCMOM!!!
Of course the day didn't last nearly long enough, their flight was earlier than mine so I got to hang with Mr. and Ms.K for a bit longer then they were off winging their way towards their home and it was time for me to find my gate and make my way back home...
Although we didn't get to actually knit together, we did each have a project at hand to show and tell, I got to see the alpaca shawl she's working on, incredibly beautiful, and soft....and the colour...big sigh.
Ms. K, Thank you, positively lovely, we'll do this again sometime, somewhere...and hopefully the universe will grace us with more than just a few hours out of a day.......
Oh yeah, the goods I packed home.....I received a tin of those luscious baked goods Ms.K is so famous for and let me tell you....delicious doesn't even begin to describe them, melt in your mouth, bite sized pieces of heaven........sorry no photo but you can see them over at her site...the post where she was packing them up...now the fibre...that roving, the colour is called...carrot cake, it is really very pretty, has all kinds of colours in there that the camera can't pick up, rather I realize it's my skills with the camera...and that's 2 skeins of alpaca, more a sports/DK weight,total yardage..1300...very pretty brown, more like a purpletone taupe brown, and the green? grabbed it up, it's a great green but needed a bit more for the discount, not painful at all, trust me, Gracie likes stash...nearly as much as her grandma does, heh.

Happy Knitting to all, and continue to make good time!
Now who's head's gonna take over the state? Oh yeah...mine! But you know what? You're the sister I never got, either, and I love you more all the time. We had an AWESOME time, and I'm just counting the days until the universe brings us back together in body again (always there in the heart).
Isn't meeting a fellow blogger/knitter just the best. As I read both your post and Ms K's, it reminded me of when Jo and I met here in BC. We did not have anywhere near enough time, but we made the most of it and perhaps we'll do it again - I'm sure it will be arranged!
Ooooooh, I'm so envious! And happy for you both, of course! How lovely to spend such time together, and what fun it sounds like you had! :0)
That is a huge honking skein of YARN!!
The yardage you gave didn't click until I saw the picture, then I had to do a double take! Glad you had a great time and a great haul.
What a pity the Barn didn't like photos ..crazy really the opposite of good publicity. I must say little Gracie is a sweet child and looks like Grandma is going to have a knitter there . I'd love to plunge my hand into alpaca fibre and buffalo too. Glad you had such a lovely time .
Sweeeet! Such great memories tucked away to be savored in the heart.
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