Happy Birthdays!
No, not mine.
Happy Birthday to Aunt Shirlee and Emma!
Aunt Shirlee is Bobby's Auntie, and therefore she's mine also..........has been for years and years and we love her dearly.
She's really quite the lady, lots of fun. Back in '99 or 2000 she went to clown school. Damn, I need to get the scanner hooked up to my pc, I don't have digital photos but plenty of others......yeah. I have this great photo of her....as Spunky.....hope I spelled that right, it's great, again, damn......I promise that when the scanner is hooked to this pc I'll post that photo. You'll be amazed.
Emma is a knitterly friend, lives just a couple blocks away and is part of the neighborhood library Knitnight group....we just had so much fun last night,eh Emma? She's starting the Pirate hat, again, and wanted instruction for a provisional caston so at last night's meet up I showed her how, and also the other ladies. It was actually quite comical but it did get done.
Monday I hauled out the stash and took photos and am working on an inventory sheet, what an ordeal, now I know there are those of you out there, you probably have a crafty room just for you and your beloved fibre and knitterly things, this is something I only dream of, and with that beloved room of yours it probably looks like a really good lys (sigh) but my stash is at least nearly respectable by your standards, by mine, it feels vast. So, I'm going to post photos one at a time, the way I grouped them....today the Patons Classic Merino.................

Still working on the FI Husband socks.
Happy Knitting to All and continue to make good time.
Happy Birthday to Aunt Shirlee and Emma!
Aunt Shirlee is Bobby's Auntie, and therefore she's mine also..........has been for years and years and we love her dearly.
She's really quite the lady, lots of fun. Back in '99 or 2000 she went to clown school. Damn, I need to get the scanner hooked up to my pc, I don't have digital photos but plenty of others......yeah. I have this great photo of her....as Spunky.....hope I spelled that right, it's great, again, damn......I promise that when the scanner is hooked to this pc I'll post that photo. You'll be amazed.
Emma is a knitterly friend, lives just a couple blocks away and is part of the neighborhood library Knitnight group....we just had so much fun last night,eh Emma? She's starting the Pirate hat, again, and wanted instruction for a provisional caston so at last night's meet up I showed her how, and also the other ladies. It was actually quite comical but it did get done.
Monday I hauled out the stash and took photos and am working on an inventory sheet, what an ordeal, now I know there are those of you out there, you probably have a crafty room just for you and your beloved fibre and knitterly things, this is something I only dream of, and with that beloved room of yours it probably looks like a really good lys (sigh) but my stash is at least nearly respectable by your standards, by mine, it feels vast. So, I'm going to post photos one at a time, the way I grouped them....today the Patons Classic Merino.................
Still working on the FI Husband socks.
Happy Knitting to All and continue to make good time.
Thanks for the birthday wishes--and for all the instructions last night. I converted the chart to black and grey, so at least that's an improvement. Not so much of an improvement that you might want a copy of it, but you can let me know!
How do you like the Patons Classic? I bought some, but I am curious about how it wears...
Do not worry cheri ,my so-called workroom is what should be the dining room .It is very small and really cluttered .Everytime I try to tidy it the stuff falls down .I do most of my knitting in the main room and my stash has spread to that !
Ooh the anticipation of the next grouping! Looks like a very respectable amount for one yarn type :)
Nice colours Marianne, I'm looking forward to the clown pics, I'd love to go to 'circus school' because I've always wanted to be a stilt walker, although I have had a go and it's not as easy as it looks.
Looks like you have nearly every color they make! I just recently used the Patons Classic for a couple hats and thought it was very nice for the price. How do you like it?
Julie, Hege and I were emailing about her question, mostly I've used this yarn for felting although I did use it for the red beret in the holiday knitting, and I used it in knitting the Pirate hat back in Oct. It knits up nicely, looks good, it's fairly soft and gets even softer after a bath...I don't know about longevity or if it pills up badly...but I will say I like the way it looks knit up. For the price, especially when I can find it on sale for 3-4 dollars it's fabulous.
Do you call it library Knitnight because you meet at your local library, or do you also read a book and knit?
I finished the beautiful blue Cashmere Branching Out Scarf, but have yet to block it and then a photo! It is so beautiful and soft!
I enjoy seeing bloggers' stashes!
At first I thought that this was your whole stash - so glad to know it's only a part! I was starting to feel like a little piglet! :0)
It's organizing time in the knitting trenches. I dream of a weaving/spinning/craft room. And a music room. And a proper office. Maybe a few yurts in the back yard would do the trick. ;-)
Happy birthday to one and all. And, is that the denim marl patons? I love that stuff! I found it on sale recently--precisely one ball of it. Grrr....
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