Sunday, January 21, 2007

Happy Birthday, Stephen!

Stephen is my one and only brother. If our souls haven't in fact known each other forever, it's pretty close to it. We were a quiet little family, growing up together, he was my very best friend. He was born with brown eyes, big brown eyes, the kind of big brown pools of melted dark chocolate eyes. Yeah, those kind. He was the laid back baby, (except for the bouts of chronic colic, ow) he was the sweet, gentle, happy little dude. I was the busy little monkey, and always pestering him, all he ever mustered up in frustration was to tell me "Cut it out, Baby Anne", yep, I was really lucky. He hated yard work, I loved it, so when we were growing up we traded, he did the housework, I did the yardwork. He also took on plenty of the cooking (Mom and Dad had their own business, less than a mile away, those were the good old days,eh?) and I didn't care for it, but you know, young dudes...they really do get hungry....and really, outside of Sunday dinners, which Mom would do, it was my Dad and Stephen who did most of the cooking.

Stephen has the heart and soul of the bard, he's sensitive and poetic. I cannot even begin to express this 'being' in him, I wouldn't be able to do it justice......hey, I'm not the poet in the family, he is.

I don't have a photo to post but take it from me, he's a handsome man, he was the lucky one blessed with the family gene for premature white hair.....oh yeah, that plus the Scottish/Cherokee hair thing....lots of it.

Happy Birthday, dearest Brother, wishing you the very best for your birthday, and yeah, it's a date, that swinging on the stars together....catching moon-beams in a jar, we've done that before, haven't we. Stephen, I love you dearly.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Another Birthday today......RABBITCH.......I'd like to say a few words about this woman, I adore her, I think she is an exceptional woman/human being. A dear sweet friend and I had been emailing about one of Rabbitch's posts a few weeks ago....and what I wrote....well, that she reminded me of a dear friend I have in Tulsa...but that "Rabbitch has a mouth on her that would take sailors to their knees begging for either mercy or lessons. She also has the heart in her that would take angels to their knees begging for the same." I have the greatest respect for this woman. So................

Happy Birthday, Rabbitch, hoping your birthday weekend has been great....and nice loom!

I finished the FI Mansocks, they are on the Man as I write, he's still tucked away in bed, sleeeeeping, so no photo op here.

Happy Knitting to All, and continue to make good time.


Blogger Dianne said...

Oh My Marianne..another birthday..January is truly your month! Happy Birthday to your Brother!!
I have written SWTC regarding the yarn..and even if they don't respond, it's off my
I was also going to write the 'needle people' but I think I will let the LYS owner handle that..they are Surina..distributed by Cestari, ..made in India...All of my previous dpns had been Brits...and because I live in a small town..1 LYS..and the Michaels are 25-30 miles on either if possible I like to support our local busines.
I'm heading to A.C.Moore next first hopefully they have them..and I will be purchasing a 'mother "lode"'..and not responsible for what else may find it's way home with me.
The yarn feels fabulous..the main reason I didn't rip it out and go 'postal' on it..I'm loving the sock adventure!
TOO cute that Gracie said she is 18..sounds like my 'Ashley' very dramatic..When she was still 2..I asked her one day how old she was..and she said 2 and half..and I will be 3 and half on my birthday..'Kids say the dardest things'...but always trust them to be truthful, even if it hurts!!
It looks as if we missed the big storm once again..just getting some freezing rain..argh
Happy Knitting~~

21 January, 2007 12:53  
Blogger Joanna said...

Happy birthday to your brother Marianne, does it make you dizzy all these birthday's?

21 January, 2007 13:36  
Blogger Rabbitch said...

Thank you so much! And happy birthday to your brother. All the best folks were born today *g* Hope he cusses less than I do.

21 January, 2007 18:02  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well we pretty much had Febuary sewn up for birthdays until a couple of recentish deaths so you can have January! So heres wishing your brother "Happy Birthday" .

22 January, 2007 01:45  
Blogger Fiberjoy said...

Your January is simply packed with birthings! Do you sometimes all get together and have one humungous celebration?

Daphne Grace - another great name in your family with fantastic names. She's at that wonder age. :-)

What a wonderful brother you have, such a special relationship.

I've enjoyed catching up with your posts. :-)

22 January, 2007 12:01  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh wow! You've had a lot of birthdays lately! Happy belated birthday wishes to every one of them!

23 January, 2007 17:24  

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