"It Happened".......
Friday afternoon the phone rang, it was my Mother, that was her opening line. Then..."hold on, Gracie, come here, tell your Grandma what you did", I SO knew what was coming down this pike.
"Hi, Grandma"...Hi, Gracie, what's up? (in the background..."tell her"...) "I cut my hair, I cut my bangs"...Really? You did? Well, did you do a good job of it?....and in a really small voice.."No, not really". sigh.....Well, Gracie, I'm sure it looks just fine, and even if it's a bit on the short side..hair grows....it's alright.... "Yes, Grandma" Alright then, are you having fun today? "Oh! Yes I am!" well, everything is alright then, isn't it.... "Yes, bye now"
The thing is...my Mother is a lovely woman...but... yep, she has a weird streak, I know, we all have them, but why on earth should it matter if a 4 year old cuts her bangs off? Gracie was in at the table working away at some paper crafts, had her little blunt scissors and she finally got fed up with her bangs hanging down and just lopped them off. So what.
But I could hear it in her voice, a bit of hurt and shame, because my dear Mother made a much bigger deal out of it than it merited. Granted, last Tuesday or Thursday, I can't remember which, I had looked at Gracie and commented that her bangs needed a trim to which she agreed but we were busy at the time and then both of us forgot all about it, (my bad), they weren't 'that' long but this girl really dislikes having hair in her face. Before her hair got long enough to pull back into a pony tail she wanted a buzz cut like her Conor's and Daddy's...yep. I remember giggling about it at the time and said something to the effect 'why not?' to her Mom and Dad, good grief, you would've thought I'd suggested cutting her toes off or something. Maybe not a 'buzz' but something very close to it,..... what?!?!?! it is just hair....it tends to grow....right?
When I was a little girl my brother and I decided to 'do' each others' hair, he sat in the chair first, I was having the most fun but then my Mom came looking for us (we'd been entirely too quiet) and found us....I really don't remember what happened (other than the scissors being removed from my hand) or what exactly had been said to us....but I don't remember feeling shame...or hurt feelings....granted I don't remember cutting his hair again either, heh.
I'm hoping that whatever hurt or shame Gracie might have felt was fleeting, very fleeting.
I finished Magic 28 socks pair #9 last night and started on #10, no photos yet...but here are some late Spring, early Summer flower/plants going on...
Purple shamrock.....coming out of her Winter blahs....
Hey, all you folks living in or around Bedford, VA, go over to Dianne's blog, she has news about a LYS having a special day on Saturday...go on....
Happy Knitting to all and continue to make.good.time.
That reminds me of when I was playing with my niece and nephew when my niece dressed my nephew up in a dress and they were both so amused, I didn't see any hurt in it (The girl is 4, the boy is 2). My sister comes down and I swear she went ten shades paler and she showed it to her husband and he went very quiet and was very stern about how those are Not Boy Clothes.
Some people tend to just really overreact to things that are done in what I consider innocence. Hair grows, so do boys.
Besides, it looks fine to me.
Who among us hasn't done it? Your childhood is not complete until you have given yourself a crazy haircut with dull scissors. I hope she is more comfortable with it out of her pretty eyes.
Gracie looks adorable and I'm completely with you on the buzz cut! That would be precious.
Many moons ago, Andie had hair to her bum and the next day, she had a bob with no bangs ("Let me cut the gum out myself before I'm caught.") Uh hum...wouldn't the haircut give it away??? Like you say, it'll grow.
Let me be the weird one here..but I love it!!..her hair looks SO cute with those 'mini bangs'..and trust me to know that when your hair is just a little too long, it bugs the heck outta you...wish Gracie were close by and I'd let her trim mine..Happy Knitting!!
I think Gracie looks adorable and it is only hair; it does grow back. I take that attitude even with my own hair. If I cut it and don't like it, not big deal; it'll grow. I'm sure Gracie doesn't feel the least bit of shame any more after the wonderful way you handled it. You do realize, though that it was your fault, don't you? You did say she needed them cut :)
Gracie is STILL adorable.
I think every kid in the world must have done that to themselves or to someone else. LOL
oh...I know I shouldn't laugh...but oh Gracie! Actually, clicking on the photo she looks rather cute. Whatever does her Mummy think of it. I would have been SO cross but what can you do? My boys both did this, but oh heheh...she's a little character and really it doesn't matter. Gracie did warn you all she wanted to do this anyway! lol
I think Gracie has inherited your genes, go Gracie!!
I love that purple shamrock, I thought it had little purple flowers on it...I love the way it dies down and then pops up again. You have green fingers too? Ooh...I want to sit with you in your garden chatting!
Gracie looks adorable, but I'm sure your mom feels bad about the haircut happening on her watch. My mom would be unhappy for sure!
I love the shamrock. I have that one and the green one with sweet pink flowers in my flower bed and it makes me so happy when they pop up every spring.
I shaved many a Teddy bear ! I plucked out all my eyebrows ..the eyebrows grew but the bears were chilly .Gracie's hair will grow that's for sure .
I have 4 children - they have all cut at least a good snip out of their hair - I love it....she definitely got those bangs out of her eyes!!
I cut a hole in my sisters new dress when we were little! I love that Purple Shamrock, I wonder if it grows over here, not that I know much about gardening, but its simply gorgeous!
Yep. I have to admit, I kind of like the haircut... she did a much more stylish job that I did on myself at that age! :0)
Oh she looks so cute. Beautiful flowers too.
If you get a chance, check out Ben Folds' song about Gracie (his daughter) Actually this little sweetie of yours looks very in! Great flower pics too.
Well, from one Mary Ann to another, have a wonderful weekend!
You tell that Gracie from me that she is absolutely beautiful, bangs or no. And I completely agree--it's just HAIR. Who cares? It could have been worse. I had a student once in my earlier days who lopped off his bangs....and then tried to glue them back on.
Hell, I think she looks great! Very mod. I wouldn't do a thing to 'em.
Every kid that I know goes through that stage...I have even caught my 12 year old with the scissors where they shouldn't be lately. Unfortunatley it was her jeans (much more on the expensive end of things!)
Hee-hee! Both of my kids have had a scissors-to-hair episode, but nothing so organized, just random snips!
By the way, Bean would love a play-date with Grace, too! As would Bug...he's quite the little ladies man ;o)
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