I love Mondays......
I'm one of those rare and lucky odd ducks in that I love Mondays. Please don't hate me. It's usually the one day out of the week that I can consider the closest to calling my own. Sure, I have an errand or two that I try to run first thing in the mornings but the house is still clean from Friday Damage Control, laundry is still caught up, I have dinner in the crock pot, and I usually try and schedule misc. appointments for Monday mornings but...mostly, it's just me and Smooch and a very quiet house and I love that.
Hey, guess what? Ms. K is back. Yep, go give her a big welcome, I know you'll show the love.
I actually meant to post Sunday morning for Mother's Day but....well, you know, I didn't. I hope all the Moms and the 'Moms' out there had a lovely and pleasant day, I know I did. My Mom and I had our usual Sunday jaunt to breakfast and then to the market...Avery called just as I was getting ready to step out the door, he was getting ready to go to work...for an all day gig..and wanted to be sure and catch me before I left so Mom and I both got to visit with him for a few minutes. He's doing quite well. After the market and getting home and putting things away I did spend some time just relaxing with my knitting.....
Magic 28 socks, pairs # 6,7, and 8....
and another Cupcake hat that should fit an adult (it fits my whopping round noggin so should be fine). I love this hat, I love all the Cupcake hats.
Later in the afternoon we all gathered up for an early dinner, received some very nice gifts from the kids, came home and.....yep, knit some more. Close to finished on pair #9 socks.
Happy Knitting to all and continue to make.good.time.
Hey, guess what? Ms. K is back. Yep, go give her a big welcome, I know you'll show the love.
I actually meant to post Sunday morning for Mother's Day but....well, you know, I didn't. I hope all the Moms and the 'Moms' out there had a lovely and pleasant day, I know I did. My Mom and I had our usual Sunday jaunt to breakfast and then to the market...Avery called just as I was getting ready to step out the door, he was getting ready to go to work...for an all day gig..and wanted to be sure and catch me before I left so Mom and I both got to visit with him for a few minutes. He's doing quite well. After the market and getting home and putting things away I did spend some time just relaxing with my knitting.....
Magic 28 socks, pairs # 6,7, and 8....
Later in the afternoon we all gathered up for an early dinner, received some very nice gifts from the kids, came home and.....yep, knit some more. Close to finished on pair #9 socks.
Happy Knitting to all and continue to make.good.time.
Happy Mother's Day! Sounds to me like you had the perfect Mother's Day (but for Avery's distance). The cupcake hat and socks are wonderful; I'm looking forward to trying out that pattern sometime soon.
Happy belated Mother's Day! Are you not showing off all your new yarn? Or are you planning to reveal it little by little?
I see what you mean about Mondays, I admit - they have a lot of possibility if you get started off right! I am hoping to still make a bit more of my Monday.
You're really going to town on those Magic 28 socks! Good for you.
Sounds like a perfect Mother's Day; mine was uneventful, just the way I like it :)
Such pretties!!I just want to giggle when I see those socks and hats..too cute!..Happy Knitting~~
Sounds like a wonderful weekend.
By the way, I like Mondays too. After a busy weekend with both guys at home, Monday is a great big quiet time for me (all ME!)
WOW - are you setting a record on magic 28 socks?? They are all wonderful - the cupcake hat too!!
Love the little socks, so cute. Sounds like you had a nice Mother's Day. I hope you enjoyed your Monday, I am not so much of a fan of the Mondays.
I love that hat , the yarn ?
Love the socks and the hat, pretty pretty cupcake! thanks for the heads up about miss K too, seems you snuck this post in whle I was sleeping, methinks! Are you going to knit 28 pairs of magic 28s?
I like Mondays in the Mommy world much better than Mondays in the professional world! Not that we don't dearly love having Kitty Daddy home on the weekends, but it's so nice to get back into our nice little routine!
Glad you had a lovely Mother's Day - we have ours back in March - I like how we end up with the same customs but at different times of the year.
Fab socks and hat. Great work there.
I love Mondays if I love my job....but you know the rest. I am absolutely in love with the cupcake hat! So soft and sweet!
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well i didn't like my Monday this week...it was the pits!!
Wish i could find the enthusiasm to clean this place up...I am going to sort out a bedroom in a minute, well that's the plan anyway!
Glad Avery is doing OK, it must have been good to see him on Mother's Day. I love that cupcake hat and the fluffy yarn looks so snuggly and pretty. You do some good work, a very kind and lovely lady!
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