That's me, coming up for air...gasp. ..... ok, the photo is obviously not me, that's the moonflower in the backyard...Mom's backyard now....
It's been a long haul, it's not quite over yet but for now...for today at least...well, I have a couple of errands for this morning but for the rest of the day? I think I'll spend it in the 'Bahamas'...
I'd like to thank everyone for all the supportive comments and emails, the wonderful posts on blogs that for just a few minutes here and there I was able to read/catch up on, feel connected....
Some are notable in that there were times I was feeling quite 'broken', physically, mentally, and emotionally.
One post by Stephanie,
this one.... 'crazy pie'. I giggled and laughed, snorted and chortled, this phrase would play itself over and over whilst working away... I brought it to Bobby's attention, he got it. Of course it hit me, I've just been consuming a terrible amount of crazy pie, oh and hey, I've been good, sharing, serving it up in a most generous manner, just ask my dear husband, and the kids.
Another post, Norma and the Tomatoes...
here, and please, read the comments. Again, this had me in a heap of giggles, I even went back at the end of that day to catch up on the comments. This post definitely saved me that day. Thank you, Norma!
A heartfelt thank you to
Pat, she is always knitting the most lovely socks, sweaters, shawls, and since I wasn't getting any knitting in she most kindly agreed to let me 'knit' through her, dudes... what fun!
Wanda took me on a quiet, peaceful
walk in the woods, shared some blackberries with me, mmmmmmm. This gave me a feeling that went beyond mere gratitude.
Glenna.... Amazing Glenna.... I've had to add to her name... 'crazyknittingandCUPCAKElady', she is Queen of Cupcakes, they're beautiful and I just know they're delicious! She also just finished her Rhinebeck Sweater, the Ribbi Cardi, which is a Stunner. All you Rhinebeckers keep an eye out for her and tell her 'hi' from me... maybe next year I'll make it there...
Charity... talk about knitting up a storm, she's been getting SO much knitting accomplished AND the blessed news of a more intimate knitting, the sweet soul she is knitting inside herself, pure joy.
First there is a mitten, then there is no mitten, then there is"..with the first word I was singing along, ok, I love Donovan. Always have, always will. BTW, Paula? I'm still singing it. After reading the post and leaving a comment I took the link she gave and spent a GOOD 30 minutes or so just listening to different tunes, good times indeed.
Nikki, and Linda, my Virginia Sisters, and Sweethearts every one, took a road trip together to a fibre fest, Dianne (bless you) had me tucked in her pocket, we had a wonderful time!
Nonizamboni just keeps posting the most wonderful photos and I love her writing.
Jo just keeps cranking out the handspun yarns, all of which take my breath away...
Ms.K.... seriously.... she just experienced a close encounter with a spider (no 'contact')(hee) and has some web photos that are very pretty but it's always a joy reading her posts, and the Miner's Blanket Project is going well, lots of wonderful squares are being made, she could use a few more..... I've knit 6 and will be sending them this week...
Monica was off and running to a fibre fest, she also had the treat of spending the day with Ms.K... lucky women.
Angie... deleted her blog but then within a few days created another one! Welcome back!
So, that's just naming a few, there are many more...many many more and I thank each and every one.
Gretchen, whose support through emails have helped keep my spirits afloat... I think it's getting close to another 'guest' post, eh?
There have also been some parcels arriving on my doorstep, I have been VERY spoiled, treated to just the best goodies...
Dianne popped my cherry, my STR cherry, LOOK!!!!!

Seriously, I could fill a kiddie pool with the drool....that and I nearly wet my pants, alright? I was just amazed opening this package with all the goodness...seriously, I was in tears. Those joyful, heartfelt kind. Yes, I 'get it' about the STR yarny goodness...'Nodding Violet' is the colourway and it is waay beyond beautiful!
Dianne, thank you SO very much!
Jo sent this next parcel... see that handspun yarn? She spun that yarn! It's so very pretty and SO soft.....and those sock yarns? They're new to me, oh, I've seen a skein of the Jitterbug but I didn't have any... well, now I do......(BIG SMILE).... kiddie pool #2 filled with the drool....Jo, Sweetheart Jo, thank you SO very much! I have been looking at all the yarn she's been spinning for months and months now, it is ALL just Gorgeous!

I do have three knitting projects going... none of which I can blog about in that they're all secret projects... sorry.
I'm just happy that I've been managing a little bit of knitting!
On the homefront... We finished up on the interior of the house last Tuesday night, moved Mom in on Wednesday, have spent the last few days helping her unpack the essentials and then some... she's not able to use the big back room quite yet, the floor needs another week for curing, so I have a few days of tending to matters here. She closes on the sale of her house this Thursday. YAY!
I spent Saturday and Sunday at her old house, gathering the weird odds and ends that had been left behind... and out in the utility room... there's a whole wall of storage area, I opened the doors and just wanted to cry... full of old old books, magazines, etc. We cleaned out the garage Saturday, I went back yesterday and cleaned out the utility room, went through the books and boxed some that I wanted, boxed the rest and dropped them off at the Thrift store... bagged up all the crap and put it at the curb. whew. I then relinquished 'the' key. Oh, I did dig up some Lily of the Valley....She lived in that house for nearly 40 years, amazing. She's also very happy in the little house, no stairs inside to deal with, she loves the walk-in shower, and the utility room that's located in the house and not out in the garage...... life goes on, eh?
Oh, took some photos and I might sneak a few in here and there, then again, might not, but here's a real glamour shot, I know how 'you all' love those 'glamour shots' (ok, I do too, honestly, I love it when I get to see photos of everyone!).... you'd think I could at least smile while taking a photo knowing I'll be in it... true dork.

and just so you know... the yellow colour on the walls? It's really not that strong of a colour, it's actually a very soft yellow, more like this photo coming up next..... and yes, I DID clean the mirror....that's NOT some weird paint drip on my pants.....

I love you all.
Happy knitting to all and continue making good time.